Luento: Games and Capitalism
16.30 - 17.45
Vapriikki, paja-tila
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Suomen pelimuseo järjestää puheenvuoroja teemalla Games and Capitalism perjantaina 14.2. klo 16.30 Vapriikin Paja-tilassa. Tapahtuman kieli on englanti. Vapaa pääsy.
Games and Capitalism is a research talk on how economic structures and the accumulation of value affect games both in production and how we play them. In this talk, three scholars will present:
Professor Olli Sotamaa leads both the Tampere University Game Research Lab and The Centre of Excellence in Game Culture Studies. His work critically examines the game industry and different forms and contexts of game production.
Doctor Rainforest Scully-Blaker is a postdoctoral researcher at Tampere University and applies critical approaches to the study of games in the crisis of late-stage capitalism. His dissertation in Informatics from the University of California Irvine focused on systemic ‘exhaustion’ and how video games enable and may yet operate against the oppressive stasis of neoliberal, late capitalism. He is interested in exploring how play can both uphold and dismantle hegemony.
Doctor Henry Korkeila is a postdoctoral researcher at Tampere University. He studies video game cultures, especially the players and their actions inside the game worlds. His past work includes studying how players accumulate capital both as social community members and with their avatars.